Sunday, December 7, 2008

Coal Creek Falls Hike

Today Jim and I went on a beautiful hike. Jim arrived at our door at 9:30 am. Unfortunately others were unable to attend. Scott and Diane had to work, Vickie had to stay home to greet the home repair workers. Mike had to be in Ephrata on his housing assignments, Gail had to rest from her numerous social engagements.

We started from Redtown Trailhead and traversed up Cave Hole Trail which was a semi-steep but invigorating walk. Turning right on Coal Creek Falls Trail we began to level off to a woody trail and enjoy the fresh and lovely early winter season foliage and scenery. The day was crisp and partly sunny making it ideal weather for an enjoyable hike.

We reached Coal Creek Falls midway into our hike. The rushing stream curving around rocks and under the rustic bridge made a picturesque sight. We surmised that the heavy stream was the result of an early year snow in the mountains followed by a warm spell.

Continuing down the trail we turned back toward the familiar Redtown Trail ending at the trailhead at 11:40 am. Our hike was approximately 2.4 miles and took about 2 hours. (Jim please correct these figures). It was a great hike and a great morning!